Onur KaraozOnDelete() Method and Deletion Behaviors in Entity Framework CoreThe OnDelete() method is used to define a delete behavior between related entities.Jan 30Jan 30
Onur KaraozUsing Select in Entity FrameworkThe Select method in Entity Framework is used to select specific columns or perform operations on a dataset through LINQ queries. This…Jan 22Jan 22
Onur KaraozEntity Framework Core migration commandsCommands for Migration Operations in Entity Framework CoreJan 5Jan 5
Onur KaraozEntity Framework Core: Using HasData to Add Seed DataThe HasData method is used in Entity Framework Core to define seed data.Jan 7Jan 7
Onur KaraozEntity Framework Core: Checking for Missing TablesIn Entity Framework Core, we can check for missing tables based on your model classes.Jan 8Jan 8
Onur KaraozSorting Data in Entity Framework: Using OrderBy and ThenByTo sort the results of a query in Entity Framework, you can use the OrderBy and ThenBy methods.Jan 11Jan 11
Onur KaraozEntity Framework Core (EF Core) and Relational DatabasesEntity Framework Core (EF Core) is a modern ORM (Object Relational Mapper) tool that simplifies working with relational databases in .NET…Jan 12Jan 12