Onur KaraozUsing Attributes in ASP.NET CoreIn C# and ASP.NET Core, attributes are a structure used to mark classes, methods, properties, parameters, or other code elements with…Jan 31Jan 31
Onur KaraozC# Dictionary UsageIn C#, the Dictionary collection is used to store data as key-value pairs.Jan 3Jan 3
Onur KaraozCRUD Operations in C#: Database Management with Repository Pattern and Generic Async RepositoriesThe combination of the Repository Pattern and Generic Async Repositories provides a generic structure for database operations in data…Jan 4Jan 4
Onur KaraozC#: Usage of ref and out Keywords and Their DifferencesBoth ref and out are parameter passing methods in C#. They allow passing a reference of a variable to a method, enabling changes to the…Jan 21Jan 21
Onur KaraozC# Tuple Data StructureIn C#, the Tuple data structure allows you to store multiple values of the same or different types together. With Tuple, you can return…Jan 23Jan 23
Onur KaraozWorking with Arrays in C#: Declaration, Access, and OperationsWhat are Arrays?Jan 24Jan 24
Onur KaraozC# Enum UsageIn C#, enum (enumeration) is a set of constant values that represent a list of meaningful names.Jan 26Jan 26